Batman begins

April 16, 2010

The lighting style selected in this shot is naturalistic. The composition in this shot is a path from the center of the frame or stage to stage right. All the audiovisual elements are directed to that specific part of the stage.
Verticals and horizontal lines  get related and form a composition unity.

In one hand, there is a bridge wich is the center of interest in this shot. This is the most important horizontal lines that I mentioned before. The distribution of light in this stage are is particular due to the bridge material, wich produces an even glow on both sides of the bridge. Also the floor do not possess high contrast between dark and light areas.The only color lights of the scene are located in the bridge also, but momentarily, because they are leading the  viewer eye trough out the path previously cited.

On the other hand, the buildings are the vertical lines. They are lit from the bottom to top creating a gothic style that enhance the mood of the film.

The lighting in this shot is different in every plane. The foreground and the midground, wich is  the bridge and the  end of this, is lit mainly by smal light sources and with high intensity and also by the distributon of light in the surface. The background, which is composed by the buildings, the lighting is by bigger ligth sources directed to a specific face of the building leaving almost in dark the other building faces.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

April 16, 2010

In this shot the lighting is even in almost the entire set and the intensity is set to medium. The lighting style selected is expressionistic because, I believe that the stage is affected by the character inner feelings.
The lighting in this shot is greenish, there is no high contrast between lit and dark areas and is very colorful. One interesting aspect is that the even though the background is very detailed, do not affect the character hierarchy.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

April 16, 2010

There is a bright source light coming from the window towards the camera that generates a very well-defined silhouette in the character. The quality of this light is high intensity. The character is lit also by another source or a rebound screen, because is lit also on the side visible by the camera, and this shouldnt happen if the only source light were the window light.


April 16, 2010

In this shot there is high contrast between light and darkness, specially between the signs and the sky. It is interesting how the light is distributed on the cars surfaces and on the pavement. The most important elements of the shot are the signs and the casinos, not the enviroment itself, which is almost in darkness. The light quality of this signs are high in intensity.

Aeon flux

April 16, 2010

In this shot  the lighting palette is close to a brownish color, the lighting also is set by many source low intensity lights and by a spot light directed to the character position from the top that enhance a higher hierarchy to this character. In terms of composition there are many straight lines that lead the viewer  eyes to the character.

Batman begins

April 16, 2010

The lighting style is naturalistic, is emulating real lighting by real sources. the light is even on the character and is interesting how the custom distributes the light of the sources. On the back of the character there is a bright source light that separates the character from the background and creates an interesting line that lead the viewer to the character face, it is a clockwise cycle.

Van helsing

April 16, 2010

the lighting style selected for this shot is expressionistic. The lighting is not realistic at all also, there is high contrast between light and dark. There is a “line” in the middle of the screen, where the crowd is walking towards the building, that it is lit more intense than the rest of the elements in the scene.It can be appreciated that there were many techniques involved in this shot, not only post production but also the set is a maquette.

Corpse bride

April 16, 2010

The lighting style selected for this shot is expressionistic. the enviroment is lit depending on the feeling of the character. There is high contrast between light and dark. There are three defined source lights. The first one is coming through the window creating a dark effect, the color of this light is purple. The second one is on top of the character, directed to the dress cape and the color of this light is purple and finally there is a third light that it is placed in front of the character and the color is purple blueish.
There is a noticeable post production retouch in the scene, having in count that there is a dark black area behind the character position, I believe this is because enhance the character expression/position in the scene and also do not mix with the background.


April 16, 2010

The lighting in this shot is mainly from a natural source which is the sun. The lighting style that has been selected for this set is expressionistic. the character is lit even, therefore, I believe that there is a rebound screen in front of the character. There is not high contrast on the scene and the light is hard and harsh. There is an evenly greenish layer in the film, that represents the “artificial” world inside the matrix, that it why I believe the lighting style selected to this shot was set as expressionistic


April 16, 2010

In this shoot there is one source light which is high intensity and the color is white/green. There is a greenish enviroment pallet but I believe that this is more related to a post production process than a lighting set.
The light source is in the background, in the midground there is a character and in the foreground is t he camera which is also the viewer and because the character is in the covering the light source, produces a well defined silhouette in him. Finally, the lighting style chosen for this scene is expressionistic and symbolic, it is not real.