Archive for the ‘week 16’ Category


March 19, 2010

In this scene the lighting in the character is totally different than the lighting that is directed to the window. In the character the lighting is a yellowish hue and in the window the light is completely white.

An interesting aspect is that al the light is in the right side of the screen (stage left)  and on the opposite side is almost in the dark.

The quality of light is medium intensity and the direction of the light comes from down right of the screen this means that the director/light designer tried to evoke in the viewer a message in the character, usually related with evil.

The shot is composed by many lines in the background, parallels and horizontals. In one hand there is a character lit by a warm and “human” color and on the other hand there is a inert background lit by a cold white light.

Seven swords

March 19, 2010

This shot is interesting due to many visual elements. First, the light is naturalistic and it is only lit by the sun. The direction of this light is placed opposite as were the camera is placed and also is behind the characters and this creates the silhouettes on the horseman and the silhouette of the ground.

The sun creates big colors pallet that goes from the red palette range to the dark and this color gradient goes through the ground to the sky. This type of shot can be related to a romantic or heroic characters.


March 19, 2010

This shot is set as a symbolic lighting style. The composition also is set using the thirds of the screen. In one hand there is a character standing and on the opposite side of the scream there is a light source directed to a mail box. The message is more than obvious also not only because of this two light sources very well-defined but also because in the midground there is a dark area, therefore the spectator eye goes directly from the mail box to the character.

Sin city

March 19, 2010

This type of lighting is completely and pure expressionist. The light is showing to the audience the inner feeling of the character that it is driving. The light also is set such a cartoon can be lit and this is evident if the background is analyzed. For example, over the round window there is a texture in the car wall that emulates the cartoon paper.

The lighting is composed mainly by a white light and a blue light but in minor percentage.

The light is completely un naturalistic which is difficult to analyze this type of image because there is not a very well-defined where there is lighting and where is pos production.

Sin city

March 19, 2010

This type of lighting is complete un naturalistic and is set as expressionist. In one hand there is three source lights that illuminates all the scene which is not even close to reality. The main source light is in the lamp-post and is the one that provide illumination to the entire scene.

The environment is set as a dark night but there are many parts of the house that are supposed to be in dark but they are lit. One example of this is in the left side of the house (stage right) where there is a part of the house that it is lit and another is completely in the dark. There is a high contrast between lit and dark areas.