Archive for the ‘week 7’ Category

Days of being wild

February 14, 2010

In this scene there are many light sources. Most of them are high in intensity.  Also the scene is lit by a greenish ambient light. The composition of this scene is from right to left. First, there is a intense light source that lights a bed, second, there is a character in the middle of this imaginary line that it is bend over examining objects on a desk and finally, the line ends on another light source. It is interesting how among many objects, shapes and shadows the viewer eye goes thru this three elements not paying attention on the others.
The distribution on the wall over the left shoulder of the actor play a huge role because
enhance the existence of the actor as well but also separates him from the background.


February 14, 2010

In this scene the beam of light produce to the viewer an effect related to something religious or Saint. Also, this particular light beam it could be  interpreted by the viewer something that it is happening to the character. For example,the character it is enlighted by something particular like for instance, a idea.
The type of lighting is hard in intensity, its color is white and pure. The character it is not high contrasted because of the ambient rebound or because of a screen rebound. On the other hand, as can be appreciated the distribution of this light in the chair, the intensity is high and also the contrast.


February 14, 2010

In this scene of the movie entitled “Avalon” the light creates a well defined silhouette to the actress
placed on the back of the composition. The ambient light is high in intensity and using the “Squint test” there is a line between the tank and the character mentioned before. The way that the light is distributed on the front of the tank surface lead the spectator eye to that particular space in the composition, and also this surface, contrast with the character placed on top of the tank. Also there is a second character on the front part of the composition and this character belongs to this imaginary line with the tank and the back character.


February 14, 2010

This type of lighting is set as motivational. The key source light enters thru the window located on the right in stage lighting of the composition. this light is the one that lit for the most part the set and also the character. Also there is another light on the left that fills the room and also balance the composition.

Batman forever

February 14, 2010

This type of lighting is no motivational. And the light set is composed by green spots lights (Fresnel probably) well defined not only because of the light beam but also because the set it is foggy.
ALso the actor is lit by another light that creates volume on him.
This set of light gives the sensation that the character is presented in a romantic way, not only because of the light but also for it pose.